Thursday, July 9, 2015

Week 3

This week we accomplished much despite the rain. Unfortunately we were not able to get outside nearly as much as we hoped for various reasons. We were able to get some things around the house done, dentist appointments completed, eyes checked, Kindergarten registration turned in, and old items organized for a yard sale. At the beginning of the week we also enjoyed a music from Boone County Parks. Oliver learned about music while Graham and I enjoyed the park. Today was the most fun because we spent the morning at Jump Zone with lots of friends, lunch at McDonalds, and the afternoon playing with more friends at their house. Graham was really brave and went down some huge slides at Jump Zone. Oliver is starting to show himself to be a good leader by helping little kids and having lots of friends wanting to play with him. Our week started out pretty rough, but the end has turned out to have lots of positive things for us looking forward!

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