Sunday, October 9, 2016

Trusting Him

It is unbelievable how hard it is to get things back to normal after a hard time. After about 3 weeks after Brent being sick, I can finally say we are pretty much there. Praise Jesus! The hardest part is that life doesn't stop. We still had basketball, piano, and soccer. Kids had to be fed and the adults had to work. Yet the stress for Brent and I was overwhelming. I wish I could say that we handled it well, but that's not true. There were huge arguments. Sometimes I slept in the kids rooms. I took the kids on long walks to keep them from driving me crazy. One morning we walked to the park and back before the sun was up! We have eaten out way too much. But God is good. He healed Brent and is healing our family. We know hard times will come again, Brent will probably get sick again, and we will struggle through it. But He is our comfort. We will trust in Him alone!

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