Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Eve Gift

This morning started with me getting up for a few minutes of peace and quiet. That never happened. But that's ok. After I walked downstairs, Oliver walked into our bedroom where Brent said, "Christmas Eve Gift" first. About the same time Graham knocked the door open and screamed "Christmas Gift!" It was classic!

The day started with cinnamon rolls. Then I cooked all morning while the boys and Brent played. For lunch we had ham, rolls, vegall casserole, and sweet potato casserole. With apple pie for dessert. Yummy!

After naps we all got showers and went to church. The service was awesome! Both boys did a great job of sitting in on "big church". On the way home we stopped at Walgreens for milk and ran into Santa. He was very sweet and talked to boy boys. Once home the boys opened their new pajamas and sat out cookies and milk for Santa. The final challenge has been getting two very excited boys in bed. It was a very fun day!

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