Sunday, February 26, 2017

February 15: 36! Woah!

Age has never bothered me. Ever. Until this year. It has hit me that the year my mother turned 36, I was 18 and getting ready to graduate from high school. Woah! It was literally half a lifetime ago that  I finished high school. Seems strange.

The day itself was great! It started with Brent making me french toast for breakfast and hugs from all 3 of my favorite people. At school the first thing that happened was that a bus-load of kids came in and wished me a Happy Birthday. It was awesome! Throughout the day I got lots of phone calls, texts, and emails. In the afternoon Kathy, Toni, and Polly had gotten me a cake to enjoy. That night when I walked in there were birthday gifts from friends: Holly, Lisa, Kristen, and April. It was a great day!

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