It's been awhile since I've written an update on Brent's CML. So here goes! As I wrote about, 2017 did not start out well. After our scare in January was addressed, things looked up from March through mid-May. We had a good run for about 6-7 weeks. Brent's BCR-ABL numbers are back down to where they were at the end of October. God is good and we are thankful.
The last few weeks have not been so pretty though. About 2 weeks ago, Brent pushed hard. He put out mulch and mowed the grass, spending about 5 hours working outside in the heat. The next day we walked 4-5 miles in the hot sun downtown. He worked hard and pushed through, much like he used to do before diagnosis. Though it was in the back of our minds that maybe he should not overdo it, Brent did not slow down. Unfortunately, by Wednesday, it all caught up with him and he had a fever and rash. He was achy all over, feeling it in his bones.
We were reminded again that Brent has cancer. Not that we forgot, but sometimes it seems like maybe it will go away. Other than taking his meds, nothing seems out of the ordinary. Then we are reminded again. The fever took about 2 days to go away. Then the rash got worse where it was starting to look like welts. Not to mention, back pain that won't let up.
It's tough on all of us. I try to be helpful, but sometimes I lose my patience. I act like a real jerk! The boys get confused. Graham starts talking about needles. Oliver gets nervous and worries. We try to comfort them but don't really even know what to say. So we pray, which is really our only hope!
On Saturday, Brent called the on-call doctor. The doctor told him to go off of his Sprycel (chemotherapy) until Tuesday night. Since taking that advice, the welts are completely gone and he's feeling "normal" again. Other than the back pain, which we are not certain is cancer related.
Tomorrow he will begin taking his medicine again. And we will hope for another few months of good health!
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