Wednesday, June 21, 2017

June 18-22: Sick... AGAIN!

The week after our mini-vacation has been tough. Around 3 pm on Sunday, Brent started feeling bad. This continued through Tuesday morning, which sent us to the doctor. There we found out that he has strep throat. So after a week of fun, Brent has spent 3 straight days in the bed recuperating. Fortunately he was given antibiotics and is on the upswing. We pray that he feels better soon!

In the meantime the boys and I have run errands, gone to play at a splashpad with friends, and enjoyed the pool. Tomorrow we are planning on the zoo. I'm trying to keep them quiet, but they are wound up. It's been a week of being tested, but we will keep pushing forward. We will say lots of prayers. And we will hope that this is not the trend every time that we go on vacation or have fun.

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