Monday, July 24, 2017

July 18-22: Trip to the Mountains

Our second trip of the summer was to my home, Western North Carolina. We spent the first two days near Brevard, hunting waterfalls. Looking Glass Falls, Sliding Rock, Graveyard Fields (upper and lower falls), Hooker Falls, and Triple Falls were some of the waterfalls we enjoyed. We stayed at a motel that Graham referred to as "The Cubby House." There was also some great food we enjoyed at Jordan Street Cafe, the Blue Ridge Bakery, a local BBQ restaurant, and SunRise Cafe. On Wednesday we hiked about 5 miles in all. The boys were troopers! The only thing that bothered them was the pesky mud! The last two days were spent at Nana and Papa's house. We enjoyed seeing family, playing in the creek in Montreat, and spending lots of time in the pool! It was a great last hoorah for the summer!

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