Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Week After Christmas

We've had a great week! After spending Christmas at home, the rest of the week the boys and I had a great time hanging out. Tuesday we ran early morning errands, mostly some returns, then stopped by the zoo. It was cold, but very refreshing. We were some of the only people there, which was also nice because they could run around and play Hide & Seek. Wednesday we spent the morning at Jump Zone playing until the boys were worn out. After dinner, we made a family trip to Target. It was fun to walk around and hang out. Brent ended up getting a game and the boys had their eyes on some toys they wanted to spend their money on. Thursday we spent the morning at home doing chores then the afternoon running errands. That night we played games and watched TV. Today the boys and I went to the Indianapolis Children's Museum. This week has been amazing! I have been able to catch my breath, enjoy my family, and refocus. Breaks are the best!

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