Monday, January 16, 2017

January 16: Back to Routine

Last week was our first full week of school of the New Year. We completed homework, read lots of books and played after school. Oliver was back at Reading Club and Running Club. I actually got to run with him, where he ran the entire mile without stopping! I was so proud of him! Oliver also got up 4 out of 5 mornings and put his clothes on without being told. It was amazing and we hope it continues!

Wednesday morning Oliver and I went to Chick-fil-A for breakfast because it was a free biscuit morning. On Friday morning Brent took Graham for breakfast at Frisch's for pancakes. Both of our kids LOVE one-on-one time!

Friday night Brent and I celebrated his year anniversary of being diagnosed with CML. We've made it a year and things are looking up! That morning I gave him a present: a bonzai forest kit. He's been wanting a bonzai tree and this will give him an opportunity to grow an entire mini-forest. That night we went to a Peruvian restaurant for dinner. It was interesting to say the least.

Saturday we hung out as a family: breakfast at Reality Tuesday, ran errands, and went to church. Sunday Brent worked so the kids and I hung out, also meeting the Faris's at the park for about an hour mid-morning. Today the kids and I had the day off. They went to the YMCA and I had "me" time: lunch with a friend, a manicure, a new coat for my birthday gift.

It's nice to be getting back in the swing of things!

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