Sunday, January 8, 2017

January 4: Date Day

On Monday and Tuesday I sent the kids to the YMCA for daycare.

Monday I had a dentist and doctor checkup. Everything is healthy! I met April for lunch and ended up spending the middle of the day with her having lunch at Panera and walking around Aldi.

Tuesday Brent took the day off and we had a date day. We went to Newport for lunch and to see La La Land, which has potential to be both of our current favorite movie. Afterward we visited with Dr. Sapp to find out that Brent's blood levels are in the normal range. Praise Jesus! We will find out the BCR-SBL results in about a week.  That will tell us the amount of cancer that is still in his blood. Our prayer is that it is closer to 0% than before. The Lord is good! The oral chemotherapy continues to do it's magic as Brent gets closer and closer to undetectable levels of CML.

There was a little bit of drama when we picked up the kids. Oliver said he didn't eat lunch. What? Why? Didn't you get it out of the fridge? After much questioning from YMCA staff and looking in our fridge, suddenly he remembered that he HAD eaten lunch but forgotten about it. Again, it's a good thing he's cute and sweet...

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