Sunday, February 26, 2017

February 26: Other Stuff

The last few weeks have been a little crazy. Between Brent not feeling well and the boys struggling with appropriate behaviors at school sometimes I think I am going to lose my mind. But God holds us tight and it all works out. Every time. Last week Oliver had a horrible week, including everything from constant pencil tapping to creating fake Cobra Bucks. We were supposed to go see the Lego Batman movie, but that had to be held off until this week due to the behavior issues.

This week was much better! He only clipped down once. Basketball practice and game went well. He did better at piano of listening. We finally got to see the Lego Batman movie, which was awesome. Today we went to church and played at the park with friends.

Monday after work, Mark and Leah Schuurman and their kids came over for dinner. We had a super time with them. Another exciting thing of the week was that the weather was gorgeous! I ran outside twice and once in shorts and a t-shirt. Friday was Family Fun Night at school. I had to work, but Brent and Oliver enjoyed playing games and eating pizza. Graham spent the evening playing with Lincoln and Crew at their house.

So now we move on to another new week. I'm praying for no sickness, no behavior issues, and no craziness. I can dream, right?

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