Saturday, March 11, 2017

March 3-5: Visiting with the Shorts

Last weekend Kyle, Kristen, Everett, and Lydia came for a visit. We had a great time! They got here around 9:00 on Friday night and the kids went straight to bed.

On Saturday Oliver had a basketball game first thing in the morning. He played his best game yet! That means he stole the ball 3 times, rebounded twice, and made 2 goals. After the game, Brent and Kyle went out for lunch and to have Guy Time. Kristen and I took the kids downtown for lunch, to play at the children's section of the Contemporary Arts Museum, and to the Cincinnati Public Library. That night the men took the kids while Kristen and I went out for fun. They watched a movie at home. We went to Reality Tuesday for coffee and dessert, shopping at LLBean, and had Mexican for dinner.

On Sunday Brent worked. The Shorts, the boys, and I went to the zoo. We had a fun time watching animals and hanging out.

We love our friends! It was a treat for all of us to see them and hang out for a while.

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